The following entry was written by Patrice Slama, a board member of
As a mother of an intellectually challenged child, my heart can't help but feel the loneliness felt by her. When it came to making really good friendships, it just didn't seem to happen for her. It took them, in my opinion, too long to admit she had a learning problem, and then from there she was shoved from one school to the next. Sure there were a few of the friends she met that were shoved around just like herself that she still has contact with today, but nobody she can call up when she's feeling down and lonely. When people catch on that she is different, they tend not to include her in a lot of things. I think people need to be educated on all that these individuals have to offer.
The contact I have had with special needs individuals has blown me away and given me a new heart to want to do all that I can for them. They are the most loving, nonjudgmental group of individuals you could ever hope to meet. I have truly found my passion in life and will continue to do whatever I am able to do to help them feel included and deserving in this world. More activities in our communities need to be set up that include these wonderful people, and complement their lives. Let's help them enjoy life and include them in all that we do.
You will be changed if you are ever lucky enough to spend time with these folks. They are more talented than you think and deserve the recognition for their efforts. Reach out your hand and give someone who doesn't have all that you have a chance to feel love and acceptance. The smile you put on their faces will be worth a million bucks.
As an intellectually disabled person I have found it hard to feel I'm really part of something.I do feel very lonley at times. Some people really do look at us as being different and treat us as being unable to do things. Given the chance we could prove some people wrong. I decided just over a year ago to try living independantly on my own with just help managing my finances by my mom. My mom helped me locate a nice apartment and furniture and I am managing fine. This helped me feel better about myself and more confident and I have received alot of compliments on my new home. Given the chance we can do it with just a bit of help. Lonliness still happens and I wish there were more social activities for special people like me but I can say I did it and want to help others be more independant too.
Patrice and Anonymous, I visit this blog often and I recommend that you, and other readers should subscribe to it. It is well written, always interesting, very informative and generally heart warming.
And, when it comes to passion for including all people, regardless of their mentality, it stands out as the best blog there is!
Thank you, anonymous, for your moving account of what it's like to live in a world that is more often than not unaware of the challenges the intellectually disabled face, on a daily basis.
We wish you all the best, and please check out the Ideal-Way website (, under Events. There are pictures of the Woodchippers bowling league, which is exclusively for special needs individuals. Also, keep checking back in for news about our art contest.
Thank you, Gordo, for subscribing to our blog! We're glad that you enjoy it, and we hope to continue informing and giving value to our readers.
It is very apparent, Patrice, you have done an incredible job raising this special young lady. The fact that she is able to live on her own is testament to your dedication and ongoing commitment to ensuring she feels no different than other young people starting out on their own. There are many social and recreational opportunities available, and I would suggest you check with her worker, if she has one, in this regard. I do know, however, that larger urban areas offer more in the way of services than a smaller town. I wish you both well, and look forward to hearing more from you!
anonymous, there are lots of lonely persons in large cities and small. thanks for sharing your thoughts. I hope this blog helps you to feel connected and less lonely.
alissa is right on about larger urban areas offering more in the way of services than smaller communities so, Patrice deserves to be extra-congratulated for an obviously superior effort of intellectually disabled child rearing.
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